
Life is Weird. Also beautiful.

In which John Green describes his years-long relationship with Ransom Riggs, author of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, which began with the James Joyce novel Ulysses and now includes the top two spots of the new York Times bestseller list.



This video amuses me. 

So many people have seen this video that I feel like I should make a semi-public statement about it. So:

When I was 20 or 21 or whenever this was filmed, I was an inveterate liar. (I am still a liar, but I’ve gotten better about not claiming fiction as fact.) The story as I tell it in the video above is true only in the broadest outlines: In real life, the prank was planned by my friends and I had a tiny role in the whole affair. It was a great prank, although not quite as great as I make it out to be in this story, and the true heroes of the prank’s legendary success were the men and women who planned it (not me) and of course the performer herself.

I put myself at the center of the story in this retelling because A. I was 20, and B. there was a girl listening, whose laughter you hear a few times, and I had a huge crush on her and thought she would like me if she believed I was behind this hilarious prank, and C. I’ve always kind of cared more about the quality of a story than accuracy.

On some level, I was probably already in the process of repurposing the actual events for fiction. (Those of you who’ve read Looking for Alaska will no doubt recognize the prank.) But anyway, I am always a little embarrassed to watch this video, not only because I was such a dumb ass, but also because my friends who actually did this are brilliant and hilarious pranksters who deserve acknowledgement. (Of course, I won’t name them, as they are now all successful women and men—doctors and financial planners and whatnot—who no doubt do not wish this particular video to appear amid their google results.)


Okay. That is all.

Fishing For Nerdfighters on Omegle

Can you say success 😀

You’re now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss: what does DFTBA stand for?
Stranger 1: don’t
Stranger 1: forget
Stranger 1: to
Stranger 1: be
Stranger 1: awesome
Stranger 1: also
Stranger 1: darling, fetch the battle axe
Stranger 1: and
Stranger 1: don’t forget that brains attract
Stranger 1: and
Stranger 2: I like option #2
Stranger 1: such things.
Stranger 2: but keep going
Stranger 1: I like you, OP.
Stranger 2: if you have more
Stranger 2: me, or the spy?
Stranger 1: look up “DFTBA by Hank green with lyrics”
Stranger 1: http://www.youtube.com/users/vlogbrothers
Stranger 1: also ^ go there
Stranger 2: because, you know, that question wasn’t from me.
Stranger 1: I know.
Stranger 1: that’s why I said “OP”
Stranger 2: sigh
Stranger 1: OP means original poster means the spy.
Stranger 2: forever alone
Stranger 2: yeah
Stranger 2: I know
Stranger 2: bit of a forum nerd here
Stranger 1: http://www.youtube.com/user/vlogbrothers <go go go go go go

I like you too stranger 1