So way back in May when I was meant to be studying, I saw some SPN people discussing the idea of a Seasons Gods AU. I … kind of fell in love with the idea? So I sketched some things, … Continue reading



hannigram is a ship that thrives on dubious consent and the romanticizing of abuse. it is super gross and the fact that it’s such a popular ship makes me wary of this fandom.

I mean for one thing, shipping Hannibal at all makes no sense, but shipping him with someone that he is physically and mentally torturing in order to manipulate him? fucked. up.

eeek I can’t get into Hannibal shipping. This show is not about romance or friendship, this show is about psychological abuse, and also killing people and eating them. 

I really shipped Abigail and Nicholas for about 20 seconds there before she stabbed him in the gut.





Rónan had Irish today and he mixed up “Duine gránna” with “duine grámhar” and spent the whole essay talking about how the person was loving instead of ugly. He then thought “Duine grámhar” meant funny which is “duine greannmhar”.

Sometimes Irish is just cruel.

*most times

This is why I hate and love the Irish language. It is beautiful and melodic, but at the same time it is so obviously … something which Irish people have put together.

#LIKE SERIOUSLY WHO SAID WE SHOULD BE LET ORGANISE A LANGUAGE#’SURE LETS MAKE GIRL A MASCULINE WORD WHY NOT’ #**extremely complicated grammar rules** **Except they’re only guidelines really** #LETS HAVE DIFFERENT WORDS FOR COUNTING PEOPLE THINGS AND IN ABSTRACT #IT’LL BE GREAT #no one gives a shit here i swear #an ghaeilge

Super extra bonus points for the fact that while Gránna means ugly, the name Gráinne, Comes from ‘gráidh’ an old dialectal spelling of ‘grá’. 



Rónan had Irish today and he mixed up “Duine gránna” with “duine grámhar” and spent the whole essay talking about how the person was loving instead of ugly. He then thought “Duine grámhar” meant funny which is “duine greannmhar”.

Sometimes Irish is just cruel.

*most times

This is why I hate and love the Irish language. It is beautiful and melodic, but at the same time it is so obviously … something which Irish people have put together.