

Rónan had Irish today and he mixed up “Duine gránna” with “duine grámhar” and spent the whole essay talking about how the person was loving instead of ugly. He then thought “Duine grámhar” meant funny which is “duine greannmhar”.

Sometimes Irish is just cruel.

*most times

This is why I hate and love the Irish language. It is beautiful and melodic, but at the same time it is so obviously … something which Irish people have put together.

Talking to new people is so strange????

Because they don’t know you??! they Don’t know how you act????

I mean they’ve probably heard of you but! They don’t know your mannerisms or interests or ???? They don’t know you! you are a blank slate to them!

You can??? You can project any kind of behaviour and they would buy it? THEY ARE FORMING OPINIONS OF YOU RIGHT AS YU TALK TO THEM YOU CAN MOULD YOURSELF IN THEIR MINDS

But, they’ve probably heard things about you?? And you don’t know what things? this is so stressful.

omg my sister’s boyfriend:

  1. just had a 5 minute coversation with me about ‘mosquito rights’ 
  2. “I’m a night owl but I’m a morning bird too. I have my wisdom and I have my worms”
  3. made a mirror for her with her name on the frame of it.
  4. “dragons den didn’t like my idea for one front two back pockets” ((?????))
  5. is literally a body builder
  6. “are you listening to me?? Are your ears painted on?”
  7. “what’s less useful is a bag of spiders. No one ever wants that”

coca-cola-kittens replied to your chat: My brother: *runs a finger down bridge of nose and…

I feel like your brother could be a youtube star

sometimes he can be a total shit, but today he’s been fucking hilarious.

He’s avoiding studying so he’ll pay attention to literaly anything.

I spent like 10 minutes just there showing him different pictures of Jared Padalecki, asking him to chart his hotness over time. 

oh my gosh I just got hit with a wave of “I love stories so much.”

All stories. True stories, made up stories, deep and ~*metaphorrrrrrrical*~ stories, silly little anecdotes.

Just Stories.

They’re so important and healthy and good

Do you remember being a little kid sorta hanging round your relatives while they gossiped, because they were talking about grown up interesting things and you wanted to hear grown up interesting stories.

Do you remember the first time you picked up a book and got so absorbed in it that you could NOT put it down, come hell or bath time.

Did anyone ever tell you a little story about something that happened to them and you couldn’t help but split in half with a smile

or maybe crumple round their shoulders, if it was a tale of another kind.

Being a little kid how much you loved people who listened to your stories??? Even today how nice it is when someone listens to your stories??

So yeah. Idk. Stories are important. Tell stories, listen to stories. Stories on TV, stories in books, on the radio, in comics, on tumblr…  Most importantly, I think, stories from people’s mouths.

But really its just. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ stories