

what i don’t understand so many canon based fics have stiles coming out/being bisexual/becoming attracted to derek but there is usually zero explanation on derek’s side who apparently just reciprocates. i mean especially considering his last relationship was with a girl. i need more from derek’s perspective 

I started writing this fic approximately a thousand years ago— I mean, the reason I didn’t finish it is because I decided to write The Sum of Ourselves instead, so, yeah. My guess is that I will never finish it but here, have a snippet of queer activist Stiles and extremely closeted Derek:

(or, if you prefer, a podficced version by Beryllinthranox!)

Freshman year of college Stiles comes back from winter break a day early, deflated: he’d forgotten what kind of mess it was there, still, years after he’d thought they would have solved it, solved everything and familybonded into an easy, functional pack. Instead it was the usual silence and recrimination and miscommunication, Scott in a tiff with Derek over something minor, Isaac and Boyd honor-bound to ignore Scott until Derek gave them an all-clear. Erica is long gone, Lydia spent the holiday with Jackson in Vermont, and Stiles did a full week’s worth of getting stoned and going for runs in the Preserve, playing video games with Scott and driving around aimlessly before it got so tired that he just Skyped Cody and said it: “you’re right,” he said, “you were so, so fucking right, I don’t belong here anymore, I’m not sure I ever did.”

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non-sterek teen wolf fic recs?

i have about a gazillion sterek fics to queue on fuckyeahteenwolffic, but i like to intersperse them with non-sterek. hit me up – gen, rarepairs, anythingggg

AP Spanish – (Gen) Lydia Martín and Scott McCall are the only freshmen in AP Spanish.

And Although I Was Burning, You’re The Only Light -(Erica/Boyd) – Erica presses her hand to her belly, shirt rucked up to just under her bra, and she listens closely, as hard as she can, until she hears it, the steady drumming of a heart not her own, but in her body, sharing her breath and her blood. She listens close, and she cries.

Apparent Lack of Ceremony (Scottles) –Scott keeps climbing into Stiles’ bed at night to cuddle. They don’t talk about it in the morning.

That’s all which come to mind rn, though I know I’ll be kicking myself about one I forgot in about 20 minutes.