On the legacy of John and Hulk Green

Yogi: John Green is honestly such an inspiration
Aífe/איפה: He is such an amazing person
Yogi: imagine the amount of dedication that goes into building nerdfighteria, uploading videos twice a week for years and making each one more interesting than the last, all the while writing such a beautiful book and having a family
Aífe/איפה: He’s up there with the likes of Stephen fry. I admire him so much
Yogi: Yeah
Yogi: and his brother Hulk or something is good as well I guess
Yogi: (kidding)
Corin ❄: (he’s actually terrible)
Yogi: (mean)
Aífe/איפה: xD

edwardspoonhands: retrospect-: <3333 I originally put this in as a placeholder during the design process. But when it came time…I couldn’t bring myself to change it. Also, both of those things are scientifically proven.