when your little girl
asks you if she’s pretty
your heart will drop like a wineglass
on the hardwood floor
part of you will want to say
of course you are, don’t ever question it
and the other part
the part that is clawing at
will want to grab her by her shoulders
look straight into the wells of
her eyes until they echo back to you
and say
you do not have to be if you don’t want to
it is not your job
both with feel right
one will feel better
she will only understand the first
when she wants to cut her hair off
or wear her brother’s clothes
you will feel the words in your
mouth like marbles
you do not have to be pretty if you don’t want to
it is not your job

it is not your job | Caitlyn Siehl  (via faintestglance)


Why are the Turkish people fighting? (by Yiğitcan Erdoğan)

Friends from foreign countries; please watch this video if you’re wondering what this fight is about and how/why it started.

A Turkish person talking about the events in Turkey.

please remember that this is the most important kind of information to listen to, the most important kind of information to spread.

PLEASE. ATTENTION. IMPORTANT. PLEASE. My followers from all around the world. This is the first time i’m asking for something THIS serious. And i need, we need your support. Turkish people, my people are standing up for their rights, after a long long time. First it started as a protest against a mall that will be built in one of our historical parks. But then it got bigger, it’s not only about the trees anymore. It’s about the people who got beaten, who got thrown tear gas bombs to their heads, who got intentionally hit by police cars, and killed. In here we are not allowed to speak are minds anymore, and media is not helping either. Help us spread the word, let the world know about what’s happening here. I’m asking, wanting you to reblog this. Please. Once you finish reading this, please reblog.











that idea that a dude in a suit is the same to women as women in lingerie is to men

is really fucked up to me? Like women appreciate dudes in suits but dudes won’t appreciate a fully dressed woman in the same way

am I making sense idk it creeps me out

Suits are synonymous with empowerment and autonomy. 

Lingerie (from a male gaze POV) is typically sexual objectification and therefore the taking away of a woman’s agency.

the ideal man is what men want to be.

the ideal woman is what men want women to be.


Sometimes, I wish I could ban my students from saying the word “gay” unless we’re specifically talking about homosexual people. Today one kid said that the ceiling was gay. Ceiling can’t be gay. Ceiling can’t even be straight. Ceiling is ceiling. Ceiling’s sexual preference is light bulb.

so, I just came out to my mother as ace …

and her first reaction was “OH, that sounds like how your granny Patricia feels.” and so we talked about it, and she said how she was glad I knew the words and that I’d worked things out for myself cause when she was my age she would’ve been so lost and confused

and then

she went on to describe her own experiences 

and I said

“mammy that sound a hell of a lot like demisexuality.”

and she was like

“oh. that makes a lot of sense.”

and I just


My lawyer gives the same speech to everyone who wants to do business with me now. ‘Nicki is not one of those artists who allow her representatives to make decisions for her.’ I’m on conference calls all day with lawyers, accountants, and executives—people of power—and they treat me with respect. Because I command respect. I’m not cocky, but I deserve to know what’s going on. It’s my brand and my life. That’s my advice to women in general: Even if you’re doing a nine-to-five job, treat yourself like a boss. Not arrogant, but be sure of what you want—and don’t allow people to run anything for you without your knowledge. You want everyone to know, Okay, I can’t play games with her. I have to do right by this woman. That’s what it’s all about.

Nicki Minaj, Elle, April 2013 (via suvetar)

Adding partial source.

(via andyhutchins)

stophatingyourbody: A gentle reminder that NO ONE is allowed to tell you what you can wear. You’re a fat girl who likes leggings? Fantastic! You like mixing prints? Do it up! You like crop tops? Awesome! You like to dress … Continue reading