measureveryword: i have to be the most boring person in the world. this made me giggle. The bar was walked into by the passive voice.

We live in a culture that inundates us with the internet, movies, music, television, and cell phones. You can’t go to an auto repair shop without there being a television in the waiting room; same with a hospital. You can’t walk through an empty grocery store without music being played on the intercoms. Ask yourself this; when is the last time you were alone. I mean completely alone, no internet, no movies, no music, no television, and no cell phone? A time when no other human can be seen or heard? Alone time is time for reflection, time to think, time to rejuvenate, to become alive again. There is no time like time alone. It’s a necessity.

TBV (via wordpainting)



Gender is more then just “boys have a penis and girls have a vigina”.

In popular imagination, gender is a 2-category system.  If you have a penis, your gender is “boy”; if you have a vagina, your gender is “girl”.  This system is factually false and laced with sexism.

In lived reality, gender refers to how we see ourselves.
How people see and identify themselves (gender identity) is variable and intrinsic.  In most cases, gender identities do not fit completely into the 2-category system (the gender binary).  This is because many of the attributes of these 2 categories are not mutually exclusive.

∴ Owing to its high level of variability, gender is an ineffective way to categorize people.  Biological sex (genitalia), while still highly varied, conveys much more stable categories.  However, categorizing people by their biological sex is only helpful in health/body contexts (medical care, reproductive services, body-specific clothing, etc) because biological sex says nothing about a person’s gender identity.

We deserve editors and journalists who have some vague understanding of sex and sexual health, and can report it in a grown-up way. We deserve respite from the barrage of messages declaring that those whose tastes sit outside a narrowing mainstream are deviant; to be smirked at, stared at, or feared. I’m not convinced it’s good for our collective sexual health if young men are brought up with the implied message that only certain types, shapes and even colours of women are socially acceptable to call ‘sexy’.

Sexual correctness gone mad

I like that this article seems like it was written by a pretty normal guy, in terms of how well versed on feminist arguments he is.

(via tooyoungforthelivingdead)

fromthemindofateenagewolf: queerinnature: Reasons why I hate living with a mental illness. If I am curled up in a corner having panic attacks or I can’t stop crying… I can’t just call in to work. I can’t talk about my life … Continue reading