Now I want to be very clear that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be attractive or sexy. Just about everybody wants this. What’s wrong is that this is emphasized for girls and women at incredibly young ages, to the exclusion of other important qualities and aspects. Being hot becomes the most important measure of success.

Jean Kilbourne, Killing Us Softly
(via vashti)

revolutioneyes: elige: You’re all incredibly brilliant beings. Be no-one but yourselves.. Don’t change for anyone. You’re beautiful. Aww I like this.

I want to be the heroine of my own story. I want to live my own unique life. Perhaps a quietly miraculous life with the people who matter most to me, enjoying the simple pleasures around me, not afraid of hard work and able to get things done simply because they are part of my life. I don’t want to feel that the people in my life are disappointed in me, or judging me for not being more active in “fighting the good fight” or being unable to find that one thing that I’m supposed to be able to find to be passionate about. I want to be like the heroines in the books I read – driven, passionate, even luminescent. But I also know that it’s okay to be ordinary. It’s okay to not have a miraculous talent for something. It’s okay to be disappointed if you don’t have such a talent, but it’s important not to let that disappointment stymie you.

‘Becoming the Heroine of My Own Story’ by Katherine Green (here)